July 2023

We're happy to share the titles we've sold on behalf of our clients in the last month:
- Anil Ananthaswamy, Why Machines Learn, Apogeo (Dutton/ Penguin USA)
- Falon Ballard, Just My Type, Newton Compton (Putnam/ Penguin USA)
- Albert Bates & Kathleen Draper, Burn, Ediciclo (Chelsea Green)
- Caroline Bernard, Ich bin Frida, Tre60 (Aufbau)
- Peter Brown, The Wild Robot Protects, Salani (Little Brown)
- Elias Canetti, Selection of Letters, Il Saggiatore (Hanser)
- Stefanie Caponi, Guided Tarot, Armenia (Zeitgeist/ Penguin USA)
- Ye Chun, Straw Dogs of the Universe, Neri Pozza (Frances Goldin Literary Agency)
- Susan Cooper, Over Sea, Under Stone, Piemme (S&S)
- Rob Cross & Karen Dillon, The Microstress Effect, Giunti (Harvard Business Review Press)
- Troy Cummings, Otto the Ornament, Obelisco Edizioni (Random House Children’s Books)
- Grace Ellisa & Hannah Templer, Flung Out of Space, La Nave di Teseo (Abrams)
- Marco Erba, Il Mondo Dentro, Rizzoli (Marco Erba)
- Adele Faber, How To Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk (diritti audio), ABP (Scribner/ S&S)
- Lion Feuchtwanger, Geschichte des Gehirnphysiologen, Palingenia (Aufbau)
- Byung-Chul Han, Agonie des Eros (diritti audio), Saga Egmont (Matthes & Seitz)
- Byung-Chul Han, Im Schwarm (diritti audio), Saga Egmont (Matthes & Seitz)
- Rachel Ignotofsky, What's Inside a Flower?, De Agostini (Random House Children’s Books)
- Rachel Ignotofsky, What's Inside a Caterpillar Cocoon?, De Agostini (Random House Children’s Books)
- Kerascoet, Bear With Me, De Agostini (Random House Children’s Books)
- Heiner F. Klemme, Die Selbsterhaltung der Vernunft, Carocci (Klostermann)
- Anke Kuhl, Konrad Kröterich und die Suche nach der allerschönsten Umarmung (diritti illustrazioni), Terre di Mezzo (Fischer)
- Peter Longerich, Sportpalastrede 1943, Einaudi (Random Verlag)
- Kiki Nelson, Plantifully Lean, Edizioni L’Albero (Donnaud & Associates)
- Jewell Parker Rhodes, Black Brother, Black Brother, Castoro (Little Brown)
- Ginni Rometty, The Good Power, Roi (Harvard Business Review Press)
- Kristen Schroeder & Sarah Jacoby, So Much Snow, De Agostini (Random House Children’s Books)
- Lara Schützsack, Derselbe Mond, Terre di Mezzo (Fischer)
- Yasmin Shakarami, Tokioregen, Newton Compton (Random Verlag)
- Britney Spears, The Woman in Me, Longanesi (Gallery)
- Reiner Stach, Kafka Biographie (3 voll.), Il Saggiatore (Fischer)
- Andreas Steinhöfel & Lena Winkel, Rico und die Tuchlaterne, Beisler (Carlsen)
- Dan Thompson, Tig & Lili Party Animals, Castoro (Random House Children’s Books)
- Dan Thompson, Tig & Lili Tiger Trouble, Castoro (Random House Children’s Books)
- Reimena Yee, My Aunt is a Monster, Tunué (Random House Children’s Books)
- Liao Yiwu, Unsichtbare Kriegsführung, Guerini (Klett)
- Julie Zhuo, The Making of a Manager, Roi (Portfolio/ Penguin USA)
- Dave Zirin & John Carlos Wesley, The John Carlos Story, Derive Approdi (Roam Agency)