Our Team

Erica Berla
after attending the French Lycée in Barcelona and London, Erica Berla obtained a B.A. in English Literature at Sussex University and an M.A. in Comparative Literature at University College, London. She started working in publishing at the educational publisher Edizioni Scolastiche Bruno Mondadori, was then acquiring editor for foreign fiction and non-fiction for ten years first at Sperling & Kupfer Editori and then at Edizioni Piemme.
In 2001 Erica Berla joined Agenzia Letteraria Internazionale (ALI) in Milan as foreign rights agent. In 2007, along with Barbara Griffini, she established the Berla & Griffini Rights Agency, where she looks after the English language clients and a number of Italian authors
In 2001 Erica Berla joined Agenzia Letteraria Internazionale (ALI) in Milan as foreign rights agent. In 2007, along with Barbara Griffini, she established the Berla & Griffini Rights Agency, where she looks after the English language clients and a number of Italian authors

Barbara Griffini
studied at the German School of Milan and obtained a degree in Literature and Philosophy at the University of Milan.
For many years, Barbara Griffini worked as literary translator (her translations include works by Joseph Roth, Stephan Zweig, Imre Kertész, Christoph Ransmayr, Judith Hermann among others) and as consultant for German literature and non-fiction for a number of Italian publishers.
In 1997 she joined Agenzia Letteraria Internazionale as literary agent responsible for selling German language titles into Italian and translation rights of Italian writers. In 2007 Barbara Griffini founded B&G with Erica Berla and becomes the main point of reference of German books in Italy. Moreover Barbara works closely with cultural institutions in the promotion of German culture and literature.
In 1997 she joined Agenzia Letteraria Internazionale as literary agent responsible for selling German language titles into Italian and translation rights of Italian writers. In 2007 Barbara Griffini founded B&G with Erica Berla and becomes the main point of reference of German books in Italy. Moreover Barbara works closely with cultural institutions in the promotion of German culture and literature.

Vanessa Maus
raised bilingual (German and Italian), Vanessa graduated in foreign languages and literature at the University of Milan. She has been part of the B&G team since 2009, at first in the rights and contracts department, then as agent for Children’s and YA titles across the languages. Her involvement in the agency has been constantly growing: in 2021 she took on the position of director for contracts management and administration, and she is now Senior Agent and Partner, responsible for the Children's and YA area and a substantial number of adult fiction and non-fiction clients.

Alessandra Stucchi
has always been attracted to German culture and to the world of books, she graduated in European and Extra-European languages and literature at the University of Milan. After a work experience in Austria she joined the B&G team in 2017. Since 2018 she is executive contracts & rights assistant and has brought her passion for new literary voices in her role as agent for a number of independent German publishers and a few American, Dutch, Chinese and South African clients.

Chiara Fumagalli
graduated in European and Extra-European languages and literature at the University of Milan and has always nurtured a love for foreign languages, literature and opera. She joined the B&G team in 2019 and is contracts assistant and rights assistant with a particular focus on the submission of reference, business, parenting and self-help titles.

Elisabetta Romano
After graduating in Modern Literature at the University of Milan, Elisabetta worked for several years at Agenzia Letteraria Internazionale (ALI). She then took a break from publishing, during which she helped set up and promote a classical music competition for children. In 2019 B&G was very lucky to lure her back to the agency world, where she is executive contracts and rights assitant for Italian authors and a selection of foreign clients. Last but not least, Elisabetta coordinates the agency's editorial services.

Martina Casiraghi
Always an enthusiastic reader, passionate about drawing and the mountains, in 2022 she graduated at the University of Milan in French and German language and literature with a thesis on Kafka and... After working in the press office of Guanda, she joined the B&G team in 2024 where she assists the agents and carries out back-office tasks.