Marzo 2022

Ci fa piacere segnalarvi i titoli B&G venduti nell’ultimo mese:
- AAVV, edited by Seth Godin, The Carbon Almanac, Roi (Portfolio/ PegnUSA)
- Samantha Allen, Patricia Wants to Cuddle, Oscar Mondadori (Hodgman Literary)
- Micha Archer, Wonder Walkers, Castoro (Nancy Paulsen/ PengUSA)
- Kirsty Bell, The Undercurrents, Edt (Nina Sillem)
- Yevgenia Belorusets, Glückliche Fälle, Sperling (Matthes&Seitz)
- Jonah Berger, Contagious, Roi (S&S)
- Karma Chagmé, A Spacious Path to Freedom, Astrolabio (Shambhala)
- Greg Creed & Ken Muench, E.D. Marketing, Feltrinelli/Apogeo (Harper Collins Leadership)
- Evie Dunmore, Portrait of a Scotsman, Mondolibri (Berkley/ PengUSA)
- Alice Elliot Dark, Fellowship Point, NN (Scribner/ S&S)
- Jessica Fletcher & Terrie Farley Moran Murder She Wrote. Killer on the Court, Sperling (Berkley/ PegnUSA)
- Jürgen Habermas, Remarks on John Rawls's Political Liberalism, Mimesis (Suhrkamp)
- Lauren Kate, By Any Other Name, Fanucci (Putnam/ PengUSA)
- Navid Kermani, Jeder soll von da, wo er ist, einen Schritt näher kommen, Keller (Hanser)
- Esther Kinsky, Rombo, Iperborea (Suhrkamp)
- Vili Lehdonvirta, Cloud Empires, Einaudi (The Stuart Agency)
- Paul Leonardi & Tsedal Neeley, The Digital Mindset, Franco Angeli (Harvard Business Review Press)
- Rachel Linden, The Magic of Lemon Drop Pie, Garzanti (Berkley/ PengUSA)
- Tias Little, Yoga of the Subtle Body, LSWR (Shambhala)
- Sebastian Mallaby, The Power Law, The Dot Company (The Gernert Company)
- Petros Markaris, The Cospiracy of Suicides, La Nave di Teseo (Diogenes)
- Amy McCulloch, Breathless, Newton Compton (Mushens Entertainment)
- Angela Merkel, 3 Reden, Il Margine (Aufbau)
- Hannes Munzinger, Frederik Obermaier & Bastian Obermayer, Schweizer Geheimnisse, Rizzoli (Kipenheuer&Witsch)
- Jenny Odell, Saving Time, NR (The Frances Goldin Literary Agency)
- John Parker, Once a Runner, Newton Compton (Waxman Literary)
- James Patterson, The Murder House, Tea (Linda Kaplan)
- Daniel H. Pink, The Power of Regret, Mondadori (Riverhead/ PengUSA)
- Christian Robinson & Traci Todd, Nina, Anima Mundi (Putnam Young Readers/ PengUSA)
- David Safier, Miss Merkel: Mord auf dem Friedhof, SEM (Rowohlt)
- Silke Schellhammer & Simona Ceccarelli, School of Talents voll. 1-3, Gribaudo (Carlsen)
- Ruta Sepetys, Between Shades of Grey Graphic Novel, Garzanti (Philomel/ PengUSA)
- Mike Sielski, The Rise: Kobe Bryant And The Pursuit Of Immortality, Newton Compton (Waxman Literary)
- Peter Sloterdijk, Im Schatten des Sinai, Ariele (Suhrkamp)
- Jan Stremmel, Drecksarbeit, Il Margine (Knesebeck)
- Antje Ravic Strubel, Blaue Frau, Voland (Fischer)
- Rafia Zakaria, Against White Feminism, ADD (The Gernert Company)